Insight, Inspiration
& Cool Stuff...

Diversity & Inclusion
Leadership and Management
L&D Strategies for a More Inclusive Workplace

L&D teams are uniquely positioned to increase awareness, platform marginalised voices, and cultivate inclusive learning content. Read three simple strategies to get started.

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Diversity & Inclusion
Leadership and Management
Women Are Leaving the Workforce. Here’s How Organisations Can Stop It.

On the 8th of March 1908, women workers marched to protest sweatshop working conditions in one of the first-ever organised strikes by working women, a date that is now annually observed as International Women's Day. 116 years later, are women in the workplace faring much better?

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Induction & Onboarding
Learning Design
How Would an Anthropologist Design an Induction?

Read our 5 human-centered and anthropology-based induction design tips to help your hires cross through their liminal periods and thrive in their new roles, new organisations, and new worlds.

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Diversity & Inclusion
Early Talent
Learning Design
Learning Science
Why Your Interns Need Psychological Safety

Young people today are entering the workforce at a time of change, instability and uncertainty. Read how psychological safety can help prepare your interns (and future workforce) for the world of work

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Learning Design
Learning Science
How Self-led Learning Can Solve the Hybrid Challenge

Recent research shows that 72% of people are exhausted from hybrid working, and a third of young people feel their life is out of their control. Could self-led learning and development meet the growing desire for more agency and control over our working lives? Read three ways you can design self-led learning to start solving the hybrid challenge

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Diversity & Inclusion
Early Talent
Three Ways To Build Socioeconomic Diversity

For the third and final part of our social mobility series, we explore three practical approaches to build socioeconomically diverse workplaces, supported by best-practise examples across industries.

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