Insight, Inspiration
& Cool Stuff...

Early Talent
L&D Functions Are Feeling the Squeeze: What This Means for Organisations

As budgets tighten, how are L&D functions expected to address issues like stagnant productivity and early careers skills gaps, when few have the budget to properly upskill their people?

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Early Talent
Induction & Onboarding
Need-To-Know Graduate Development Statistics, Trends & Data: 2024

What do today's graduates want? How is “wave 2” of Gen Z different? In the build up to 2024’s graduate season, we’ve curated 20+ need-to-know emerging trends and statistics that will define the state of graduate development going into September 2024 and beyond.

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Learning Design
Learning Science
3 Ways to Make Learning and Development Stick

We explore some common reasons behind ineffective learning and development initiatives, and three solutions to improve your learning offering by making it more memorable, impactful, and sticky.

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Diversity & Inclusion
Leadership and Management
Women Are Leaving the Workforce. Here’s How Organisations Can Stop It.

On the 8th of March 1908, women workers marched to protest sweatshop working conditions in one of the first-ever organised strikes by working women, a date that is now annually observed as International Women's Day. 116 years later, are women in the workplace faring much better?

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Leadership and Management
Why Today’s Line Managers Feel Lost (and What You Can Do About It)

Despite their critical role in driving team performance and engagement, many line managers feel ill-equipped and unsupported in their roles. We delve into some common challenges faced by today’s line managers, and explore how organisations might better prepare them for success.

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Leadership and Management
Why Managers Are Your Most Underutilised Retention Tool

The phrase “people don’t leave organisations, they leave managers” isn't new, but emerging research paints a clear picture that line managers are more important than ever in connecting your people to the heart of your organisation.

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