Insight, Inspiration
& Cool Stuff...

Leadership and Management
Do Line Managers of Early Talent Have It Harder?

The “Covid generation” has had their pathways to starting and growing their careers upended due to the pandemic and economic instability. Employers and organisations need to equip their line managers with the right tools to cater to this generation’s challenges and needs, and help set them up for long-term success.

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Leadership and Management
5 Ways to Help Your Line Managers Thrive

75% of people who voluntarily left their role did so for reasons their line manager could directly influence. People don’t leave companies, they leave managers, and failing to properly invest in your line managers can have strong consequences for your organisation. Here's 5 ways to help them thrive.

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Learning Science
The Skills Wave Is Here

Nearly 7 in 10 workers globally are willing to retrain and learn new skills on the job. Many continue to leave their roles in pursuit of that development. The skills wave is here. What can you do, as an employer, to catch it?

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Early Talent
3 Reasons You Should Use Data in Early Careers

As an early careers leader, how do you know where to focus? How can you ensure you are optimising your performance for your business? And how do you know you are attracting, growing and retaining the best talent?

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Early Talent
Induction & Onboarding
How To Optimise Your Attraction Campaign In A Hybrid World

Whether you’re running your attraction campaign face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid, here are three key considerations to make in today’s hybrid world to ensure your campaign is optimised for greatest impact.

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Early Talent
3 Reasons You Should Begin Attraction Before University

As the graduate market becomes increasingly competitive and vacancies far exceed available candidates, many more organisations are unsurprisingly expanding attraction into high school.

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