Insight, Inspiration
& Cool Stuff...

Early Talent
3 Reasons You Should Use Data in Early Careers

As an early careers leader, how do you know where to focus? How can you ensure you are optimising your performance for your business? And how do you know you are attracting, growing and retaining the best talent?

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Early Talent
3 Reasons You Should Begin Attraction Before University

As the graduate market becomes increasingly competitive and vacancies far exceed available candidates, many more organisations are unsurprisingly expanding attraction into high school.

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Early Talent
Learning Science
August Trends to Watch

Our August trends focus on the human side, the emotional impact of the pandemic on people and the working world, and what people leaders can do to better prepare their organisations for this.

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Learning Science
How To Boost Retention Through People Development

Retention and development are inseparable: articulating your development offering is not just about getting critical talent in the door, it’s also about keeping them in the organisation over the longer term. Read our three tips to better retain talent by focusing on learning and development.

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Learning Science
The One Thing You Can Do To Keep Your Talent Engaged

60% of people are emotionally detached from work. Could better articulating your development offering be the key to boosting recruitment, attraction, and retention, in a time where people are changing jobs, changing careers, reducing their hours, retiring, or just quitting the labour market altogether?

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Diversity & Inclusion
Leadership and Management
3 Tips to Cultivate Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Being able to openly discuss views is crucial for constructive ideating, and yet just 3 in 10 workers believe that their opinions count at work. Here are three focus areas for leaders to better facilitate a psychologically safe workplace and help fuel productivity, creativity, and overall performance.

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